Link Question 5: What color was the scarf hung in the window to protect Rehab’s family? Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status When Elijah prayed the rain came, but in James it says he (Elijah) was a man just like us… What are we doing wrong in prayer? Think about it. Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status Whose eyes to do use to read scripture? Your own or those of your doctrine, religion, pastor or church? Think about it. Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status Is you shepherd the King of kings and Lord of lords or is it your denomination? Think about it. Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Link Question 4: What is the foundation of the Old Testament? Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.