Figuring Out What Good Means

I have come to the point where I am more focused on chasing truth than lies, in pursuing good than evil, and in exploring righteousness than sin. There is more evil out there than I will ever know about.

I have to set my priorities on getting “good” figured out before I dare risk dealing with evil.

think about what is good Bible verse

No More Right To Refuse Service (NM Christian Photographer)

New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that a business no longer has a right to refuse service, a Photographer violated the law when refusing to photograph a lesbian wedding in New Mexico. The company, Elane Photography, said that they had no problem photographing the couple outside the act of marriage, which their beliefs do not support.

You Now Have Lost Control Of Your Business.

You Now Have Lost Control Of Your Business.

The ruling has a far more grievous and deep reaching effect on society now. Here is the quote from Justice Richard Bosson said that Elane Photography must be forced to violate their religious beliefs because of “the tolerance that lubricates the varied moving parts of us as a people. … it is the price of citizenship.”

Another important quote is from Jordan Lorence, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom “The idea that free people can be ‘compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives’ as the ‘price of citizenship’ is a chilling and unprecedented attack on freedom.” This is where I will focus on. Continue Reading →

Wisconsin Atheists Attempt To Force Their Religion On Cullman, Alabama

Recently in the news:

“Atheist Group Demands School Stop Prayer Caravan”

It seems that an Atheist group NOT in Alabama wants to stop a prayer caravan from happening on various CLOSED school campuses in Cullman, Alabama under the guise of separation of Church and State. Those good tax-paying atheists’ citizens want to exercise their rights to stop prayer on public property, namely the public schools and ban the rights of other good tax-paying citizens of Cullman, Alabama, even though they are not IN Alabama. Let’s take a closer look at the facts and separate the Truth and Tradition.

First and most importantly is the fact that the schools are closed and the prayers take place the Saturday BEFORE they open the academic year and are COMPLETELY on a volunteer basis. Children are NOT in attendance since the schools are CLOSED and thus no “Religion” is being “Taught.” Prayer outside of school events is not banned and thus these believing citizens are not violating any existing law or policy.
Continue Reading →

Arthur Bailey – The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 4

The Power of the Holy Spirit – Part 4


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