Diet Update with 100 Pounds of Weight Loss


Over 100 pounds lost!  I finally reached a major goal and have lost a complete person and gained a completely different person in the running of this race.  It is a marathon, not a sprint, but well worth the tired legs and lack of breath.  To look at me then and see me now shows two different people.  Now, full of confidence, discipline and adding to that the discovery of truth in faith, food, health and the world, I have an optimistic outlook on the rest of my life with a great deal of excitement.

HCG Body For Life

Using the HCG Protocol, Dan & Linda have lost a combined 139 pounds

My Praise?

It goes to my father in heaven for leading me to this diet program, giving me the strength to see it through and the wisdom in making proper choices.  Yes, there were many, many times that I wanted to quit.  I had even said “that’s it I quit” “I am going to get cheese or ice cream or whatever.”  However, that never once happened during the dieting.

Also on this list is my wonderful wife.  Full of trickery and cunning, she lured me into the trap, baited with the bait of giving my opinion, the trap was set.  Then all of a sudden BAM! It snapped on my neck and I could not escape no matter how hard I tried.  At her doctor’s appointment with a weight loss doctor, my opinion took over the conversation and out the door we went with a new program for… US, not just her.  There is a level of thanks that I just don’t have the vocabulary to express to her for making me who I am today.


But of course I failed and failed greatly.  After completing my first three rounds, and taking others’ words as truth, I failed miserably.  I never fully researched to find the truth behind what people had said and believed that once you lose the weight on this program and properly reset your hypothalamus, you will not gain it back.  I went from 275 to 180 in about three months and never made the commitment to living a healthy life making healthy food choices.  Price paid:  back to 238


Why yes, I’ll have a double round of that!   Faced with the fact that I made a terrible mistake and armed with the choice of never making that mistake again, I set out to lose those 58 pounds I put back on, those “bad choices” pounds.  I have struck down those 58 pounds, having to repeat a task completed, knowing full well it would be harder this time because I did research and found the truth.

Over achievers?

I guess I am an over achiever because I not only lost those 58 repeat pounds, but added another 7 to that number.  Getting back to where I was is only part of the journey, but the heavy need, want and desire was to see a “7” and then a “6” in the middle number position.  I got the 7 on July 19, 2014 and this morning I now weigh 173.  I am not done yet, but this long round finishes tomorrow morning, August 2.  I say with full confidence that when I do my next round, there will be a finish line with my name on it and a “6” in the middle.

I write this short summary, not for me because I only need my father’s praise, but I write it for you.  Anyone that has a few pounds to lose, I want to encourage you, comfort you in the tough times and coach you along the winding trail to achieve your goals.  If anyone wants help, assistance or total complete unbiased truth about the diet industry and the lies they tell you, contact me.  Send me a PM and I will feed you truthful words that will help you change your entire being for the better.

Thank you, all my friends for reading this note and I wish you all…Happy Losing spiced with a bit of failure along the way!

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