Discussion – New Feature from Truth-Tradition Ministries

[important][/important]Discussion ForumDiscussion Forum

We are very excited to announce a new idea from Truth-Tradition Ministries in order to create good old-fashioned, head scratching THINKING!  The Discussion forum is about exciting topics and questions compared to opinions, doctrine and beliefs and how that are found in scripture or if they are of man.  Wow, this should be a wild ride and we encourage you to come to our site at www.truth-tradition.com and share your opinions, beliefs and the scripture that support them.

Your Input is Required

Here is the plan for the Discussion Forum.  Every Thursday we will publish a new discussion topic on our site.  It will be shared on Facebook, Twitter and eventually on Google+.  Then you drop on by the site and leave your opinions and comments, make notes about others posts and read what others think.  During the week, you can comment a suggested topic that you want for consideration and we will either accept it or let you know why we are not taking it and then add it to the schedule.  Invite your friends to join in and please like the page and sign up so we can approve your comments faster.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere there are signs (RULES)

Yes, like everywhere else the Discussion Forum has rules to follow.  We will NOT tolerate bad behavior, name calling, abuse or the posting of other sites for reference.  This is a truthful discussion of what you believe and not what others have taught.  Publicizing other teachers, teacher’s sites or materials is not allowed as we want your own beliefs backed by your own words.

The purpose of this is for you to strengthen your faith by studying the scriptures for yourself and not through the eyes of another.  I can guarantee you that those other’s will not be standing next to you when you give an accounting for your life choices.  So take this opportunity to “Study to show yourself approved” and prove to yourself your belief system.

And The Answer is…

Here are a few topics that have been suggested at this time.  Please comment on this post with other topics that you think would make for a good Discussion Forum interchange.

  1. Peter’s Vision (Acts)
  2. The Requirement of the Law (Romans)
  3. Tzit Tzit (Numbers)
  4. Tithing

These are just a short list of topics as we wait for your input into this Discussion Forum.  So please head on over to www.truth-tradition.com and comment on the topics you would like to discuss.


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