No More Right To Refuse Service (NM Christian Photographer)

New Mexico Supreme Court has ruled that a business no longer has a right to refuse service, a Photographer violated the law when refusing to photograph a lesbian wedding in New Mexico. The company, Elane Photography, said that they had no problem photographing the couple outside the act of marriage, which their beliefs do not support.

You Now Have Lost Control Of Your Business.

You Now Have Lost Control Of Your Business.

The ruling has a far more grievous and deep reaching effect on society now. Here is the quote from Justice Richard Bosson said that Elane Photography must be forced to violate their religious beliefs because of “the tolerance that lubricates the varied moving parts of us as a people. … it is the price of citizenship.”

Another important quote is from Jordan Lorence, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom “The idea that free people can be ‘compelled by law to compromise the very religious beliefs that inspire their lives’ as the ‘price of citizenship’ is a chilling and unprecedented attack on freedom.” This is where I will focus on.

Freedom Erode Away Daily

This ruling has taken the rights and freedoms of EVERY BUSINESS OWNER in America. You no longer have the right to pick and choose your clients for your business. This means we are no longer living in a society that practices capitalism. The government tells you who to do business with and how you are to conduct that business. This ruling overrides the US Constitution in so many ways and an honest inquiry would overturn it as unconstitutional. The days of honesty have long past.

QUESTIONS that need to be answered

Is this the ONLY photography company in all of New Mexico that does wedding photography or did those lesbians single out this company to exact a ruling against them because of their beliefs?

Would a Muslim Photographer have shot the wedding?

What is the photographer was busy that day? Should they have cancelled the other appointment just to satisfy this lesbian couple?

Do gay couples now trump business attention over the rest of the normal people?

If this was a black or Hispanic photographer that refused, what would be the decision?

And another thing

One more unrelated question, why is the attacks coming against Christian peoples and not against Muslims? Why is there no news media covering the fact the under Muslim law a homosexual is required to be put to death? This happened within the past few weeks in Iran under their law. Why is the equality issues not enforced equally?

So Why Christians?

This is the easy question. Go to Revelation and read people and stop your whining and complaining. Check out Matthew 24 and see the list of things to come. Jesus (Yeshua) even gave the order of events to you, just look for the word ‘then’ in the list and you can number them.

These things are promised in these last days. Jesus said “they hated me… they will hate you” yet we still take exception and disgust at what is happening. We are NOT of this world and should start to remove ourselves from it. We are Ambassadors for the King, the Messiah. Life is about to get much harder and we need to get out of the cushy churches that are caving into this abomination and find the truth or we will not survive the coming tribulation.

Is your faith ready to face death? Or are you just another person that will cry Lord, Lord didn’t we do such and such in your name? Think about it.

Here is a few links to source articles:


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