Featured Photo – Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is more a lake than a sea.  Shaped like a harp, the sea is roughly 64 square miles, 8 miles wide by 13 miles long and is situated in northern Israel.  The sea is located in the region sharing the same name, Galilee.

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee

Containing nearly 1 cubic mile of water, the most famous inhabitant is the Saint Peter fish, served at most of the restaurants around the sea.  You can order a whole fish or they will bring you a filet.  On the northwest end of the lake housed another famous inhabitant, Yeshua Messiah.  In the western world known as Jesus, Yeshua lived in a town called Capernaum.

2000+ Year old Capharnaum

2000+ Year old Capharnaum

A popular attraction is to sail on the Sea of Galilee in one of the old-looking boats available. On any given day, except the Sabbath, you will find passengers sailing around singing hymns and enjoying the 360 degree views to the shoreline. The west side of the lake is along the Golan Heights and the east the high places spoken about in the Bible.

It take about an hour to drive completely around the lake, passing well-known biblical cities like Magdala, home of Mary Magdalene and Genesaret where Yeshua cast out a legion of demons from a man. You can even spot the only place where the Pigs could have rushed into the sea and drowned.

Replica boats carry you onto the Sea

Replica boats carry you onto the Sea

Tiberius is the largest city in the lake region and was founded by the Romans. during the time of Yeshua, it was forbidden for Jews to enter the city. Now a days, it is mostly a Jewish settlement along a beautiful stretch of the lake. Tiberius houses a promenade on the lake front with many restaurants and ice cream parlors for hot, hungry sailors.

Looking northward along the coast to Capharnaum

Looking northward along the coast to Capharnaum

Go and visit Israel. Sail the Sea of Galilee, it is an experience you won’t soon forget.

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