Shopping cart Christianity is the most recent plague to infect our country, destroy our belief system, dilute the truth of the Gospel and degrade our society’s morality.

Like all great fathers with their son’s teaching them, Andy shows Luke where the water is coming from.
Picking up the final set of questions is this topic that rages through our bones. The next set of questions posed by my son Andy is equally awesome but painfully present in our religious demise:
- Why is it that we are picking out only some of the laws and not all?
- Speaking of those laws, why is it that we only follow the laws of the food and Sabbaths from the Old Testament and not all of them like when your brother dies and leaves a spouse you are suppose to marry her?
- Why do the laws of the Old Testament still stand?
- I am having a discussion on why we shouldn’t eat pork?
As you can see from these questions, we will be digging into the heart and soul of the matter, separating the TRUTH from the TRADITION of the religious zealots who have taken us captive.