Dan Bibb Status Question 17: Who makes of the two half tribes? Think about it Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status Question 16: What are the two places in the northern kingdom where a golden calf was set up to worship instead of traveling to Jerusalem? Think about it. Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status Question 15 Where was the first place the Yehovah (God) placed his name in the land of Israel? Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status Do you believe in the whole Word of God or only the part the does NOT make you uncomfortable in your doctrine? Think about it. Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.
Dan Bibb Status Why do we fight tooth and nail to keep the Ten Commandments on our public buildings and then teach in the churches that the commandments were nailed to the cross? Think about it. Share on Facebook.Share on Twitter.Share on Google+Share on LinkedInPin It!Share on StumbleUponShare on Twitter.