Based on the sign given of Jonah, Did Jesus Lie or The Church?

Based on the “Sign of Jonah” either the Church is lying or Jesus is.  Jesus said:

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.” (Mat 16:4 KJV)

So if Jesus said this and he died on Friday and rose from the dead on Sunday morning, he is a liar and is disqualified from being the Messiah.  So Pastor, how can you possibly stand up there, high above me on your pedestal, and tell me all about this wonderful Jesus person that supposedly rose from the grave to take away my sins, that if I say a short little prayer I am saved, yet what Jesus said out of his own mouth you proclaim it different and it is a lie?  Ok, explain to me how there are three days and three nights from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.

There is a bigger problem too.  Christians say that all facts are established by two or three witnesses, right?  Well Jesus also said:

But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:  For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.  The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.” (Mat 12:39-41 KJV)

So therefore, Jesus: can NOT be who you say he is because he is a sinner and the Messiah must be without sin.  The Bible says that sin is lawlessness and telling a lie is breaking the law, therefore your version of the savior is a lawless sinning liar.

It would seem this is true on the surface… Let’s examine this further.

We are told several facts in this piece of scripture.  By digging and finding the facts maybe we can shed some light on this subject.  So the details that the Messiah spoke were:

  1. A wicked and adulterous generation was seeking a sign
  2. They would be given only one sign, the sign of Jonah
  3. Jesus would be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights (72 Hours)
  4. The one standing before those people was greater than Jonah

With these established facts, we can look a little further into this mystery and see if this Jesus is a liar or if someone changed something making it a tradition or if another stepped in and proves himself correct.

Seeking a sign for proof?

We see that the leadership (Jews) in Israel were constantly fighting the fact that a Messiah was promised to them and since they were trodden down under the heavy foot of Roman rule, the timing for the Messiah to appear was perfect.  The people knew the Torah well and knew to be looking for this coming Prophet like Moses.  The leadership also knew the scriptures well, but had gone away from them to “Lord” it over the people with heavy new rules they called the LAW.  These manmade rules (Which Jesus said DO NOT FOLLOW) added to the burdensome life of the everyday people throughout the land.  Thus the Jews enjoyed a great life and knew, based upon the scriptures, that the Messiah appearing would end their lifestyle.

The people were correct in looking for a Messiah.  What they missed was the form in which the Messiah would appear.  They were looking for the “Lion from the Tribe of Judah” not for the “Lamb riding on a donkey“.  So when Jesus (Yeshua) showed up as a meek teacher, turning their heart towards the father, it wasn’t exactly what the people had pictured.

He did meet their expectations

So when the people saw that Jesus (Yeshua) was not going to delivery them from Roman rule, there was a great division among them.  They wanted to kick out the Romans like what they learned about their powerful king David.  But missing the message of a servant coming with healing in the corners of his garment (Tzit Tzit) they missed the miracles and power he offered them, far greater power than any other king on the planet.

Not all missed this.  People saw the miracle workings of this Messiah and followed him everywhere.  Sight given to the blind, teaching with an authority that their leaders, the Jews, did not posses and seeing loaves and fishes multiplied was enough for them to open their eyes and see the truth of the scriptures.

Jonah, the one sign given

Looking at what Yeshua said, we see He refers to the sign of Jonah.  So to discover this sign, we need to travel to the book of Jonah, so turn to page 981 in your bible.  (haha, they all are different, got ya!)  In the Book of Jonah, find chapter 1, verse 17:

Now the LORD (Yehovah) had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” (Jon 1:17 KJV)

So with this we see the details of the sign of Jonah.  Jonah was cast into the see by the merchants of the ship because Jonah disobeyed Yehovah in not going to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh.  Yehovah himself prepared a giant fish to swallow Jonah when he was tossed into the sea to save the merchants from the storm Yehovah sent.

The sign then is Jonah spent three days and three nights in the fish until he “cried” out to Yehovah and was heard and spit out upon the shores and told Jonah a second time to go to Nineveh and preach what I tell you.  So Jonah, fully repentant of his disobedience, went and the people of Nineveh repented, thus avoiding YeHoVaH’s wrath.

Did either Jesus or Yeshua meet the requirement of the sign given?

So far we have used the names ‘Jesus’ and ‘Yeshua’ interchangeably, one for another.  Now let us separate them for the purposes of separating the teachings of the church from the teachings of the Bible.  This will allow us to examine the perspective differently and find the truth in the story to determine if we have a Messiah or not and who the Messiah truly is.

Did Jesus meet the Jonah sign?

According to the teachings of the church, we have these facts:

  1. Holy Thursday night was the last supper.  Jesus was arrested in the garden after dinner and his disciples fled. (Matt 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 13)
  2. Good Friday, after the arrest, Jesus was passed about the Jewish leaders and then onto Pontius Pilate and finally condemned to the cross.
  3. Friday still at the third Hour, Jesus was nailed to the cross. (Mark 15:25)
  4. Friday, sixth hour darkness came all across the land.  (Matt 27:45, Mark 16:33, Luke 23:44)
  5. Friday, ninth hour Jesus dies.  (Matt 27:46, Mark 16:34)
  6. Sunday Morning, Jesus had risen from the grave.  (Matt 28:1, Mark 16:2, Luke 24:1, John 20:1)

What is the third, sixth and ninth hours in our time clocks?

Searching the internet you will find numerous sources of information, and for some strange reason they seem to agree, the day and night were divided into 12 hour segments.  According to Wikipedia the word for third hour was Terce and it is the third hour after sunrise.  The Jewish accounting of time was further described as taking the number of hour of light and dividing into 12 equal portions.  Jesus confirms this in John 11:9 stating that there are 12 hours in a day.

So therefore we can determine the Jesus went on the cross at 9:00 am.  Darkness fell upon the land starting at 12:00 noon, which would make sense since the Roman guards, upon Jesus’ death proclaimed him as the Son of God, just as the sign above him said. (Matt 27:54, Mark 15:39, Luke 23:47) Finally the ninth hour was 3:00 pm, when Jesus died and graves were opened, the dead appeared to many in the city and the veil in the temple was torn open.

The Jesus schedule analyzed

So if Jesus dies at 3:00 pm on Friday afternoon and the body was taken down in observance of the Sabbath and placed in a new tomb, then we can begin to count off the three days and three nights, the sign of Jonah.  Counting the total of 72 hours would mean, Jesus being in the grave day one (24 hours) to Saturday at 3:00 pm.  Day two (24 hours) being to Sunday at 3:00 pm and finally day three (72 hours) being Monday at 3:00 pm.

So the earliest Jesus could have risen from the dead was MONDAY afternoon.  This makes Jesus a liar and a false messiah and the teachings of the church a false church and of the devil.  The scriptures tell us that the Devil (Satan) is the father of all lies, therefore ANYONE that teaches this message is of the Devil. (John 8:44)

Did Yeshua meet the Jonah sign?

Understanding that Yeshua was a Jew, born of the tribe of Judah and obeying the Jewish Torah (law) and observing the commanded feasts, in this case Passover.  For the Passover, the first and eighth days are HIGH Sabbaths.  So during the week, it was possible to have two Sabbaths, one a High Sabbath and the other a weekly Sabbath.  So what if the day of preparation referred to in Matt 26, Mark 14 and Luke 22 for the Passover meal was on Tuesday night?

That year is what happened.  So then at sundown on Wednesday would be a HIGH Sabbath and the bodies would have to be removed from the crosses before the Sabbath.  We know Yeshua dies at 3:00 pm, so then this year, He would have dies on the eve of a High Sabbath.  This is confirmed in John 19:31, stating that it WAS a high Sabbath.

With a Wednesday crucifixion the calculation can be made based upon this new information.  So 3:00 pm Wednesday to 3:00 pm Thursday (24 hours), 3:00 pm Friday (48 hours) to 3:00 PM Saturday (72 hours) seems to work.  So then Yeshua (the Hebrew Jesus) would meet the minimum requirement of three days and three nights in the earth.

So in Conclusion, Yeshua IS the promised Messiah According to The Sign of Jonah.

Plainly we see that the Jesus of the Christian faith cannot be the promised Messiah because he broke a commandment of the father and thus disqualified himself as the sinless sacrifice required to give us eternal life with our Heavenly Father.  A sinless sacrifice was the only thing that could bring us into relationship with God Almighty.

But, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Yeshua meets this requirement.  Preparing for the Passover with his disciples, enjoying a meal, washing their feet and then going to the garden.  Having been betrayed, he was arrested that night and paraded all over ending up on the cross with two thieves.  His dead body taken down before the High Sabbath of the Feast of Passover and placed in the grave.

After observing the High Sabbath (Wednesday night to Thursday night), the Jews go to Pilate and requests that the grave of Yeshua be sealed so his body could not be stolen.  This was done of Friday and a guard was placed at the sealed grave.  Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Yeshua, after observing the weekly Sabbath, came to the tomb.  Early on the first day of the week, before the sun rise while still dark, they found that the Messiah Yeshua had already risen, he was not there.  Therefore, Yeshua fulfilled the only sign given to that wicked and adulterous generation, being three days and three night in the heart of the earth.

Another Wicked and Adulterous Generation Seeks a Sign

Today, we see another wicked and adulterous generation seeking signs and wonders to strengthen their faith.  The church has homosexual leaders, pastors and other church leaders caught in adulterous scandals, false teachers teaching the practices of paganism and leading the masses to hell along with them.  Seeking false signs and wonders, just like what is promised in Revelation.

We are seeking signs and wonders and this time we are now promised a NEW sign of proof.  However, this is not a sign we want to see living in worse sin than the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and others that had fire and brimstone rained down upon them north of the dead sea.  We actually are so arrogant to think that by following pagan practices we are saved.

What is this sign?  The one True Messiah will be returning to the earth to judge you on your pagan practices as you do them unto the Father.  Even though the Father sign DO NOT DO THE PAGAN PRACTICES AND SAY YOU ARE DOING THEM FOR ME.  You lose.

Please leave your thought and comments.

5 Replies to “Based on the sign given of Jonah, Did Jesus Lie or The Church?”

  1. robert mcduffie

    Whereas I agree with you that the Messiah of Yisrael was in the grave for three days and nights that is NOT the fulfillment of the sign of Yonah to an unbelieving, adulterous and wicked generation! For the true sign of Jonah see – key word search the sign of Yonah or the sign of Jonah. Shalom, shalom, R

    • Dan Bibb Post author

      Robert, Thank you for expressing your opinion. As we all know, the word of our Elohim (God) is like an onion and as we diligently search the scriptures we move off of spiritual milk and get into the meat the Yehovah has prepared for us. Readers of this ministry are just getting truths placed before to encourage them to search deeper, not to take what the Pastors and Preachers of a perishing, evil and lying church, but to understand that they are accountable for their choices in the faith.

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  3. Dave S

    I agree with what you say here, but doesn’t the Jewish Day Start in the evening, so wouldn’t the third hour be more like say 9:00 at night by Western Standards? I don’t know when the Day actually changes, but I don’t think it would have been in the afternoon. Also I want to say thank you for existing, I feel so alone trying to find the truth past the Pastors and my family are all brainwashed in the fact that the church can’t be wrong, so it’s really nice to see someone else that will speak out against the lies and evil practices done in the name of The Most High God

    • Dan Bibb Post author

      Hi Dave,

      Yes, the day starts according to the Bible at evening. “There was evening and there was morning the third day.” is from Genesis chapter one.


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