Let No Corrupt Speech

The pursuit of proving we are right may be satisfying, but can be far from edifying. How  many times have we seen people satisfy themselves at the expense of others?

A person may be right, but if he has crushed, berated, exhausted, bullied and/or mocked someone to prove it – then he has accomplished nothing except providing himself with a moment’s pleasure. Finding pleasure in being right is the antithesis of humility. Being correct is not a virtue, but a privilege, as God alone is right by His own merits.

This is corrupt speech. It should never be mistaken for teaching, nor for zeal, nor holiness. It is not what Christ would do.

Ephesians 4:29 quote: Let no corrupt speech

Paul’s words challenge us to take a moment to choose our words carefully. Too many in the Body of Christ tear other believers down, people who are most decidedly not our enemies.

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