Truth and Tradition – Michael Rood

Truth and Tradition by Michael Rood

Recorded in Israel by Michael Rood, truth and tradition is at the center of this ministry.  Challenging you to rethink your position, see things from a different angle and streghthen your faith.  The path you take is totally up to you.  Your choice… Your destination

Look past his dress and see truths that cannot be denied.  Watch this and then post your thoughts.  Let’s talk about what you think.

Traditions are passed down from our parents and we in turn pass them down to our children.  Our parents got them from their parents ad so on.  However, do we ever stop and think about what these traditions mean.  Why do you practice them?  What was the original meaning?

How did we come up with an egg laying rabbit bring baskets to good children at Easter time?  Where did we get the word Easter?  Many say it is in the bible, but is it?  Or is it in their due to a translation error?  People blindly follow the teachings of their parents religion.  We tell and attempt to teach our children not to lie, then we turn around and punish them by saying Santa won’t bring you toys, or the Easter bunny is not giving you candy because you lied.

I believe it is time to question everything and find a basis for the traditions we follow.  I am NOT saying that traditions are bad.  I am saying to question the reason for them and then decide your destination.  If you find Jesus is the ‘reason for the season’ then find it to be truth.  If he is NOT the reason for the season and we can NOT put Christ back in Christmas, then what are we to do.

It is truly your choice and your destination.  Know one will be standing next to you at the great white throne judgment.  Not you church, your pastor, no one.  Just you.  Can you stand on your traditions before a righteous father?

Think about it.

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