Searching for the Sermon on the Mount Location

Searching for the sermon on the mount location

The sermon on the mount is like every other location where the Messiah was while on earth.  As you can imagine, every denomination has a place in the land of Israel that they claim is the actual location of an event in the Messiah’s ministry and the sermon on the mount is no different.  A simple Google search yield about 288,000 results on the key words “where was the sermon on the mount located”

Description of the history at this location

Description of the history at this location

The sermon on the mount is also called the Mount of Beatitudes as well.  Matthew chapters 5-7 and Luke 6 is the scripture location of the clues given to possible places where this teaching was delivered by Yeshua (Jesus) our Messiah.  We know that in one location, the Byzantine’s built a church on what they claim as the location, but another location has been put forth on the trail called the “Jesus Walk.”  Still, Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts show even a third location.

An interesting side note about the Sermon on the Mount

Jesus (Yeshua) giving a “Cliff Notes” review of the instructions (Torah) given to Moses is a shadow picture of what happened in the book of Exodus, Chapter 19where Moses went up the mountain to receive what God had for him and God came down to meet with Moses to give him his instructions personally.

So here as we shall see, Jesus came down the mountain and the people came up to receive the instructions (Torah) that Yeshua was given from His Father in Heaven.  Thus Jesus gave a more easily understood version of the instructions found in the Torah. Continue Reading →

Arthur Bailey – The Power of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

Arthur Bailey continues the teaching on ‘the Power of the Holy Spirit‘ (part 2) getting deep into your life.  We personally witnessed in practice the power (dunamis) of the Holy Spirit right after this teaching aired.  Our granddaughter took ill and in prayer we commanded the spirit of fever to leave and anything not of the father to leave.  Using the authority given to us by the Messiah, all manner of sickness left the children and she was healed.  Please, don’t just listen and enjoy… Listen and put into practice in your life the principles that are shown in this teaching.

[embedplusvideo height=”376″ width=”620″ standard=”” vars=”ytid=SQDJWSHW8UU&width=620&height=376&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep7869″ /]


Featured Photo – Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is more a lake than a sea.  Shaped like a harp, the sea is roughly 64 square miles, 8 miles wide by 13 miles long and is situated in northern Israel.  The sea is located in the region sharing the same name, Galilee.

Sea of Galilee

Sea of Galilee

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