Truth? Can you handle the truth? That you were Born in Prison.
Yes the truth is we have been born into a prison where everyone wants to force you into believing the “party” line. This video by Miles Hanson is one of the most awesome displays of truth, just how we are trapped by this world and that during our search for truth, we run into terrible opposition, tempting, forcing, badgering us to stay in place and not follow truth.
Although they use an outdated version of the sacred name that has the power to save, heal, bless and even raise the dead, the message is still just as powerful. Since the fall of the USSR and more manuscripts being found, the original belief was that the name, HaShem in Hebrew, was Yahweh. Now with 4 different codexes showing the vowel markings, we now know it is Yehovah.
However, it doesn’t matter which you call in the beginning of you path to freedom and your quest for truth, if you are diligent and continue your search, the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. Most important is to start.
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Do you want out of prison?
Tired of the same old message every week, from the same old pulpit, sitting in the same old seat? Do you know there has to be something more to the message of the bible than what you are getting? Have you heard the voice of the father? If this describes you, then join us in this ministry as we partner with the best of the Hebrew truth teachers.
Don’t jump into another messianic community, calling people Rabbi when the ONE teacher said to call no man Rabbi. Go. Watch teachings of Arthur Bailey at House of Israel. ( Search this site for other teachings and please COMMENT on this and subscribe to our site. Get truth and give up the baseless, false traditions.