Dan Bibb


Are you a Genetically modified Christian?  Definition:

a genetically modified Christian is one whose swallows the traditions handed down from out forefathers with thinking, without proof of truth having our views made up for us from our parents.

So are you a Genetically Modified Christian?


Think about it.

Dan Bibb


Do you believe?

Those coming out of Egypt saw the sea part, manna came every morning from heaven, the rock brought forth water and the voice of God thundered down from the mountain and those that experienced this fell away and died in the wilderness.  What makes you think you are faithful with sitting you backside in the pew every week and you pray over you meals?

Think about it.

Dan Bibb


Are you healthy?

Healthy living is written in the scriptures as a promise based upon a condition.  Evil leads to disease while obedience leads to health.  IF we follow God’s statutues and commandments we are promised not to have the diseases of Egypt.  So if you are not healthy, check out his statutues and commands and make adjustments.

Think about it.