Discussion Forum – Sabbath


The only commandment we are told to remember…But are we to forget it now?

This is a hotly debated topic with opponents entrenched on both sides,  We all can agree on the fact that Sabbath in our modern English is Saturday, in Spanish it is called Sabado, French Samdi, but all are the 7th day of the week.  In our twisted modern times, we are now trying to change the days of the week to make Monday the first day and thus Sunday would be the 7th.

From history, we see the change in the worship schedule by the Pope to Sunday and the pope even says that Sunday worship is the mark of his authority.  We also know from history that Jesus (Yeshua) kept the Sabbath according to the requirement of God’s commands.  finally from history we see that the early church also kept the original Sabbath.
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