Are you hearing God’s voice?
Are you sure it is God’s voice? With so many voices running through our minds, how do we know it is God’s voice that we are hearing? I know I want to sort out all the others and learn to focus on just God’s Voice. How do we do this? how do I know it is God’s Voice? Is there a way to test if it is God’s voice?
In this teaching series by Arthur Bailey from Arthur Bailey Ministries explores this very subject. How to Hear God’s Voice explorers in detail how to accomplish this extremely important task to better your walk with your savior. Arthur will show you how to separate out the truth from what the enemy places in your mind. what would it mean to you to be able to sort these voice out from the true version of God’s voice?
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Truth or Tradition Ministries
Truth or Tradition Ministries is a ministry of sowing seeds. The sower readies the field making and preparing a fertile ground to open up and receive the seed. The seed is the Word spoken by God’s voice to Moses, then written down and handed through the generations. The seeds Truth or Tradition Ministries sows is through teachings, snippets to cause you to think about various subjects, and presenting traditions handed down by our forefathers in a manner to cause the reader to think logically and determine if it is Truth or Tradition.
Truth or Tradition Ministries does not go out and put on a revival, “saving” souls and then depart to another place, leaving starving and dying shoots to whither. We believe in discipleship and training as fertilizers. We partner with teachers like Arthur Bailey, Michael Rood, Jim Staley, Kenny Russell and Keith Johnson who teach the truth of the word of the father and show you how to hear God’s voice and walk the narrow path to salvation..
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